Friday, October 11, 2013

Uploading a Voter File

So I can't figure out what I've done wrong: I've taken a voter file I built in DataCenter and attempted to upload it to my Nationbuilder universe. Anyone know where I'm screwing up?

Do Not...

Do not be intimidated. Do not be intimidated. Do not be intimidated.

Hey guys, I'm intimidated. Where the hell is my back-office/dashboard/behind-the-scenes navigation?

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Not sure what it says about me that I'm blogging on Blogspot about doing things on NationBuilder. What can I say, I'm a little nostalgic these days. This blog is about a guy learning how to use Nationbuilder. It's intended to be a resource for political folks looking for guidance. It won't be fancy or flashy. Just easy.

First things first, these guys at NB have customer relations down to a science. They kill it. And they use their own product to do it, which is a good sign. More to come when I actually have an account.